How to create crud application in laravel 9 from scratch

08 Jan 2023 | Laravel

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create crud application in Laravel 9 from scratch. I am going to show you an example of how Laravel 9 Crud operation step by step from scratch.

Laravel 9 is the latest version of Laravel and it is released with several updates, so if you are new to Laravel or don't know how to create an insert update delete application in Laravel 9, just follow these simple steps.

In this example, we'll create a blog crud application from scratch using Laravel 9. We'll create a posts table using the Laravel 9 migration, then create the resource controller, model, routes, and view files.

To get a Laravel 9 crud application like the one below, just follow these simple steps.


Step 1: Install Laravel 9

Let's start the tutorial by installing a new Laravel 9 application. So, open the command prompts, then paste and run the following command to install Laravel 9 on your system. If you have already created the Laravel project, skip this step.

composer create-project laravel/laravel blog

Step 2: Database Configuration

In this step, we need to connect our Laravel 9 crud application to a database. So, let's open the .env file and make the following changes in this file to configure the database connection.



Step 3: Create Controller, Model, and Migration File

Now with the help of the following command, we will create the resource controller, model, and migration file.

php artisan make:model Post -mcr

This command will create the following files.

File: Path:
Controller File app/Http/Controllers/ PostController.php
Model File app/ Models/ Post.php
Migration File database/ migrations/timestamp_create_posts_table .php

In PostController.php you will find the following default methods.

1. index()
2. create()
3. store()
4. show()
5. edit()
6. update()
7. destroy()


Now you need to open the controller file and make the following changes.



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\Post;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class PostController extends Controller
     * Display a listing of the resource.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function index()
        $posts = Post::latest()->simplePaginate(5);
        return view('posts.index', compact('posts'))
        ->with('i', (request()->input('page', 1) - 1) * 5);

     * Show the form for creating a new resource.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function create()
        return view('posts.create');

     * Store a newly created resource in storage.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function store(Request $request)
        return redirect('posts')
                            ->with('success','Record Created successfully.');

     * Display the specified resource.
     * @param  \App\Models\Post  $post
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function show(Post $post)
        return view('',compact('post'));

     * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
     * @param  \App\Models\Post  $post
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function edit(Post $post)
        return view('posts.edit',compact('post'));

     * Update the specified resource in storage.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \App\Models\Post  $post
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function update(Request $request, Post $post)
        return redirect('posts')
                            ->with('success','Record updated successfully.');

     * Remove the specified resource from storage.
     * @param  \App\Models\Post  $post
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function destroy(Post $post)
        return redirect('posts')
                            ->with('success','Record deleted successfully.');

Then open the Model file and paste the following code in the post.php file.



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    protected $fillable = [
        'title', 'description'

Step 4: Migrate Database

In this step, you need to open the migration file and make the following changes to create the posts table.


use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class CreatePostsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

Now you need to run this migration with the following command to create tables in the database.

php artisan migrate

Step 5: Add Resource Route

Here we need to add the resource route for the post controller, so open the route file and add the following resource route.



use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use App\Http\Controllers\PostController;

| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

Route::resource('posts', PostController::class);

Step 6: Add Blade Files

In this last step, we only need to create blade layout and view files for Laravel 9 crud application. So let's create the following files and paste the following code into these files.


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- Required meta tags -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

    <!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
    <link href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-EVSTQN3/azprG1Anm3QDgpJLIm9Nao0Yz1ztcQTwFspd3yD65VohhpuuCOmLASjC" crossorigin="anonymous">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <title>Laravel 9 CRUD Application -</title>

    <div class="container">

    <script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-MrcW6ZMFYlzcLA8Nl+NtUVF0sA7MsXsP1UyJoMp4YLEuNSfAP+JcXn/tWtIaxVXM" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>




<div class="row my-4">
	<div class="col-lg-2 mx-auto p-1" style="background-color: #1f386a;">
	  	<a href="">
	  		<img src="" class="img-fluid">

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>
	<div class="col-lg-8 my-4">
		<div class="float-start">
			<h4>Laravel 9 CRUD Application</h4>
		<div class="float-end">
			<a class="btn btn-sm btn-success" href="{{ route('posts.create') }}"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add New Post</a>
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>
	<div class="col-lg-8">
         @if ($message = Session::get('success'))
         <div class="alert alert-success">
         	{{ $message }}
		<table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
				<tr class="table-secondary">
				@foreach ($posts as $post)
					<td>{{ ++$i }}</td>
					<td>{{ $post->title }}</td>
					<td>{{ $post->description }}</td>
						<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary" href="{{ route('',$post->id) }}">
							<i class="fa fa-eye"></i> View
						<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary" href="{{ route('posts.edit',$post->id) }}">
							<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i> Edit
						<form method="post" action="{{ route('posts.destroy',$post->id) }}" class="d-inline">
							<button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-danger" onclick="return confirm('are you sure do you want to delete this record')">
								<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> Delete

		{!! $posts->links() !!}

	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>





<div class="row my-4">
	<div class="col-lg-2 mx-auto p-1" style="background-color: #1f386a;">
	  	<a href="">
	  		<img src="" class="img-fluid">

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>
	<div class="col-lg-8 my-4">
		<div class="float-start">
			<h4>Add New Post</h4>
		<div class="float-end">
			<a class="btn btn-sm btn-warning" href="{{ route('posts.index') }}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i> Back</a>
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>
	<div class="col-lg-8">
		<form method="post" action="{{ route('') }}">
			<div class="mb-3">
				<label class="form-label fw-bold">Title</label>
				<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Title" name="title" required>
			<div class="mb-3">
				<label class="form-label fw-bold">Description</label>
				<textarea class="form-control" placeholder="Description..." name="description" required></textarea>
			<div class="mb-3">
				<button type="Save" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">
					<i class="fa fa-floppy-o"></i> Submit
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>





<div class="row my-4">
	<div class="col-lg-2 mx-auto p-1" style="background-color: #1f386a;">
	  	<a href="">
	  		<img src="" class="img-fluid">

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>
	<div class="col-lg-8 my-4">
		<div class="float-start">
			<h4>Edit Post</h4>
		<div class="float-end">
			<a class="btn btn-sm btn-warning" href="{{ route('posts.index') }}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i> Back</a>
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>
	<div class="col-lg-8">
		<form method="post" action="{{ route('posts.update', $post->id) }}">
			<div class="mb-3">
				<label class="form-label fw-bold">Title</label>
				<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Title" name="title" value="{{ $post->title }}" required>
			<div class="mb-3">
				<label class="form-label fw-bold">Description</label>
				<textarea class="form-control" placeholder="Description..." name="description" required>{{ $post->description }}</textarea>
			<div class="mb-3">
				<button type="Save" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">
					<i class="fa fa-floppy-o"></i> Submit
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>





<div class="row my-4">
	<div class="col-lg-2 mx-auto p-1" style="background-color: #1f386a;">
	  	<a href="">
	  		<img src="" class="img-fluid">

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>
	<div class="col-lg-8 my-4">
		<div class="float-start">
			<h4>View Post</h4>
		<div class="float-end">
			<a class="btn btn-sm btn-warning" href="{{ route('posts.index') }}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i> Back</a>
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>
	<div class="col-lg-8">

			<div class="mb-3">
				<p>{{ $post->title }}</p>

			<div class="mb-3">
				<p>{{ $post->description }}</p>

	<div class="col-lg-2"></div>


Run Laravel 9 CRUD Application

If you have done all the necessary steps, now you need to type the following command in the command prompt and press enter to run the Laravel 9 Crud application.

php artisan serve

Congrats mate, your Laravel 9 crud application is ready to run. So, you can access this by opening the following URL in your web browser.


Buddy! I hope you relished the tutorial, and it was good to see you again. Keep learning. Keep visiting.

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